bottom bee space
bottom bee space

In beekeeping, one critical decision for hive setup is whether to use Top Bee Space (TBS) or Bottom Bee Space (BBS). Bee space refers to the specific gap in a hive that allows bees to move freely around frames without building excess comb or filling the space with propolis. Understanding top vs. bottom bee space is essential, as it affects both hive management and frame setup. Let’s explore how TBS and BBS work, the types of hives they are commonly used in, and their respective benefits.

Top Bee Space (TBS) vs. Bottom Bee Space (BBS)

In any beehive, frames are intentionally shorter than the hive box. This design leaves a gap, or “bee space,” either at the top or bottom of the frames:

  • Bottom Bee Space (BBS): When frames are level with the top of the box, leaving bee space below.
  • Top Bee Space (TBS): When frames are level with the bottom of the box, leaving bee space above.

Bee space affects hive layout and frame access, which impacts how easily beekeepers can manage the hive.

Common Hives and Their Bee Space Types

  • British Standard (B.S.) National and WBC Hives: Typically come with Bottom Bee Space (BBS). These can be converted to TBS if preferred, either manually or through a manufacturer.
  • B.S. Smith Hives: Use Top Bee Space (TBS) by design.
  • British Commercial Hives: These are often BBS, although older models may feature TBS.
  • Dadant and Langstroth Hives: Most Dadant hives are TBS, while Langstroth hives vary—some are TBS, and some BBS.

Benefits of Top Bee Space vs. Bottom Bee Space

Using TBS can simplify hive management, as frames are less likely to stick to the box above. This setup works well with framed queen excluders, which reduce frame connections between boxes and make maintenance easier. For BBS hives, slightly different handling techniques are needed, especially with propolised frames.

To avoid complications, it’s best to keep all hives consistent—either all TBS or all BBS. Mixing TBS and BBS can lead to excessive gaps or tight spaces, which bees may fill with comb or propolis, making inspections more challenging.

For more on hive setup and bee space, explore BeeSource’s guide on hive measurements and bee space.

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